
Welcome to my blog which is about my family and I and how we deal with what life throws at us, which includes my daughter and her disabilities related to her spina bifida and her death on December 26 2012.

Friday, 18 May 2012

Lots on the mind

There is another going on but some of it isn't my place to say anything about. There is some good and some bad, mostly just to much on my mind. Between the happiness at Janice going on the potty to mom's news. Then there was the news from Van (that I talked about last time). My brain feels overloaded.

We are also trying to get out on our own again. There is a really nice place we are looking into. Plus we are still waiting on Janice's chair. 

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Urology Testing at BCCH

I always find the trips to Vancouver Children’s hospital exhausting, especially when I have to be at the hospital for 630am. Janice has been fasting since midnight and she knows where we are, I try to keep her distracted but not always an easy task with nurses coming in and out of the room. Then she wants me to hold her as the nurses surround her to put in her iv and give her the anesthesia. She falls asleep almost instantly but I don’t want to leave as her cries still echo in my ears.

The first procedure went well although the doctor commented that her “anatomy is unique down there”; the doctors seem to love using that word with her “Unique”.  She is in recovery now and then she has another test this afternoon which they hope will shine some light on what is going with her bladder, kidney, and the rest of that region.

I feel anxious as I wait for her to wake. The doctor just came and gave us some baffling information: apparently they are still not sure if she has one kidney or a conjoined kidney; but they have discovered that she has TWO uteruses. This has confused and overloaded my brain on the ramifications and what this means for her in the future. Let alone how to tell her dad , his mom (who drove us down) offered to let him know and find out his thoughts which I am happy to let her as I don’t know what to say. Part of me feels like the day she was born and we found out about her unique condition, we were speechless neither of us knew what to say to the other as we both dealt with our grief over the hand that we had to deal with. This is not a grief more of uncertainty of what it means but the confusion of what to do and say is still the same.

We have been back at the hotel since about 130pm this afternoon. Mommy went out for coffee with a friend while Janice and Grandma relaxed and played in the room. Janice is back to her old self which mommy is happy to see.