
Welcome to my blog which is about my family and I and how we deal with what life throws at us, which includes my daughter and her disabilities related to her spina bifida and her death on December 26 2012.

Saturday, 24 March 2012


Sunday I decided I needed a restart. I have gotten back on doing my blood sugars 2-3 times a day and I started working out a minimum of 5 minutes a day. Today I took a walk with my mother and Janice around MacArthur Island and am not sure my legs are up to doing anything else work out wise tonight. I feel kinda bad about not doing anything besides the walk but the night is still young we will see ... maybe I will do my ipod daily ab work out.

I am packed for Vancouver. We leave on Tuesday for two nights and three days. It feels like I just got back and am going down again. At least I get a month off after this. No trip in April. However I am back down in May for urology to do some test that she is finally big enough for. That trip is happening the day before my bff's wedding so it isn't going to be that bad but it is a little exhausting going down almost every month for 6 months straight.

Janice is doing good though. She caught a little cough but it is gone after a week. She has missed about two weeks of daycare this month which I am not happy about but her health comes first. Spring is here and I find that I get down in the spring because of all the sports going on and Janice won't be able to do many of them and it can be depressing. I keep trying to come up with activities that she CAN do. She has the CAN DO spirit but there are still a lot of things that she just physically can't do. But Janice is doing everything that she can and is so positive I feel extremely lucky that she is my little angel.

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