
Welcome to my blog which is about my family and I and how we deal with what life throws at us, which includes my daughter and her disabilities related to her spina bifida and her death on December 26 2012.

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Things not to touch - Janice style

I was just thought of something that just proved how smart Janice was. There were always things that children aren't suppose to touch. Janice learned very early that things like lighters were not for her to touch. When something like that was in her way or around her she would call to Kevin or I whoever was near and hand it to us. It was so cute and I always had to smile. 

When she was playing on the coffee table and Janice would hand everything on the table to us one at a time. It was so cute and funny. Janice was smart that way and always made me smile. 

Janice was alot like Cheer Bear she always lit up a room and made people smile. No matter how bad your day was Janice could make you smile. Like the old man in Sears, I think I have told this one before but here goes. My parents, Janice and I were going through Sears and Janice was on her board happily flying down the isle. There was an elderly man with a cane coming towards us looking grumpy as can be and hunched over a bit, Janice went whizzing by him and he does a double take and smiles, straightens up and continues on his way. 

Janice was a star that lit everywhere she went like the angel she was. I miss her so very very much.

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