
Welcome to my blog which is about my family and I and how we deal with what life throws at us, which includes my daughter and her disabilities related to her spina bifida and her death on December 26 2012.

Saturday 27 April 2013

Janice's Personality

I muss how animated Janice was. Her little quirks and personality. I remember she was on her board coming towards the door to go out and I asked "did you forget something?" She stopped to think. "Aren't you bringing grumpy?"

She said "doh" and put her hand on her forehead and spun around and went to get grumpy.

Janice loved going places, walks, car rides, shopping. She just loved being out and about.

I remember watching her roll thru northills mall. Skirting around Santa or when she tried going down the wheel chair ramp on her board and her momentum was more then her board and she face planted, when I picked her up she was in a state of shock not sure what happened. I put het back on her board and away she went again. Or when she figured out she could hold on to the cart or stroller and it would pull her. Janice was so smart and picked things up so easily. School would have bore her.

Janice had the brightest smile and friendly personality. She made the worst day brighter and happier. I loved her and will forever love her. I will miss her fir the rest of my life.

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